Dog Food: Nutrisource Small Medium Breed Puppy
Above is a link to the dog food we feed to our mothers and babies. At 6-9 months old you can transition to the adult Nutrisource.
The following health information has been posted with permission from Revival Animal Clinic.
Written by veterinarian Dr.B .
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When it comes to Giardia in the kennel, the concern is less about treatment and more about the long term plan to manage it. Giardia is one of those parasites that always seems to be waiting for the perfect time to strike. In a kennel, this time is usually after weaning and right around the time the puppies get to their new home - both inconvenient times for a breeder.
What is Giardia and how to test for it
Giardia is a tiny parasite, one-celled protozoa that is hard to diagnose. They can be difficult to see under the microscope and take a trained eye to identify them accurately. Screening tests are also available, called snap tests. In these tests, the feces is mixed with the solution, placed in a well and then “snapped” down to start the test, which checks for a protein from the Giardia organism. Snap tests are useful as a piece of the puzzle, not as a definitive test. Though negative tests are true negatives, false positives are very common and may be deceiving. If you have a positive snap test and you’re not sure if it’s correct, it may be helpful to send it to the lab for more accurate diagnosis.
Recommended treatment
Metronidazole has traditionally been used to treat Giardia, but lately there has been resistance - one study shows only 60% efficacy. The new treatment of choice is using Fenbendazole (Safe guard®) which is 96% effective when used 6 days in a row. Bathing is also important. Giardia oocysts are directly infective, meaning the dog passes them in the stool and can immediately contract the disease if they ingest the Giardia again. Bathe the dog with Vet Basics Puppy and Kitten Care Shampoo on days 3 and 5 of treatment. Giardia is sticky and will stay on the hair coat, particularly the back legs, so concentrate on the back half of the body. If you don’t bathe them, they can just re-infect themselves while grooming, making your treatment ineffective.
Since Giardia is stubborn, kennels should be scrubbed with a degreaser or a good detergent. Flaming the surface of the kennel is also effective, especially for contaminated walls in metal kennels. Simply pass the flame over the surface - you don’t need to melt anything or damage the equipment. The heat causes the Giardia cyst to pop and die.
Long term control
Long-term control starts with the mother. When she is heavily pregnant, the stress will decrease her resistance to parasites. Using Fenbendazole three days in a row after day 50 of gestation will decrease the shedding of the Giardia organism and is helpful in preventing the transfer of other parasites to the puppies. Bathing the mother before whelping is also helpful when fighting the problem. Alternatively, some breeders will clip the hair on the back legs and belly to remove the oocysts the mom carries on her hair. Either technique is effective. The goal is mom not giving Giardia to puppies and we don’t have to get Giardia back out of them.
For puppies, deworming three days in a row with Safe-guard® at 6 weeks of age is also good prevention. This helps eliminate any Giardia that may have found their way in the baby and is enough to provide effective prevention.
With all parasites, you want to think long-term control. If you just treat the puppies without considering where the parasite is coming from, you’ll eventually get resistance that overwhelms your medication. Every year you should have fewer and fewer parasite numbers in your kennel. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, coccidia and Giardia should all be accounted for in your preventative program. If you have any questions about parasite control, feel free to give us a call!
Donald Bramlage, D. V. M.
The materials, information and answers provided through this article are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of a qualified veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention. Not to be used without permission of Revival Animal Health.
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800.786.4751 Coccidia
Coccidia are parasites that are often misunderstood in dogs. After the first exposure, coccidia parasites are always present in the puppy’s intestines, and they’re just waiting to take advantage of any digestive upset. It is rarely the initial cause of the diarrhea, but once diarrhea starts, the coccidia will overgrow to large numbers to keep the diarrhea going. Coccidia are a major issue for puppies under 8 weeks old and can even kill them.
Acquiring Coccidia
Puppies are born with a sterile gut, and their mother seeds their gut with good bacteria during cleaning and care. However, puppies can also get coccidia from their moms, so the goal is to keep the puppy’s exposure to a minimum number. There are a variety of products you can use for both treatment and prevention, but prevention is most important for consistently healthy puppies.
Treat vs Prevention
Cocci Guard is an easy way to prevent coccidia - simply add it to your puppy’s food. The mother should also be fed puppy food with Cocci Guard when you bring her to the whelping area two weeks before birth. This decreases the number of coccidia the mother can give to the puppies. When you wean the puppies onto Cocci Guard, it controls the issue until you move them to their new home.
Amprolium (Corid or Cocci-Rid) can also be used as coccidia prevention. The flavor is terrible, so some people add raspberry or strawberry flavoring to help the taste, but no flavor works well. For small breeds, do not mix it with water, because they tend to get dehydrated from not drinking. The preferred way to use Amprolium is to drench the puppy daily - you know the dose is in and they will also drink adequate water.
Marquis is used to both prevent and treat coccidia. It works well and the once-a-week dose is easy to use. Marquis (ponazuril) will cause dry eye, so use caution in puppies under 6 weeks old - eye ulcers may develop in flat nosed breeds. Marquis lasts 7 days, and when it’s given before shipment, it’s very effective in stopping coccidia from overwhelming the puppy as they adjust to their new home.
Sulfa drugs have long been used to treat coccidia and they’re still effective prevention. However, Albon has seen some resistance from years of use. The best way to monitor resistance is to track the complaints post sale and switch your preventative before issues arise. You can switch back to Albon after 6 months or a year of using another preventative. Sulfa-Trimeth is related to Albon and has been used as an alternative with excellent efficacy.
Foreign Product - Australia
Baycox by Bayer is a product I am often asked about. The bad news is that this drug is not available in the United States legally, but it is available in some other countries by prescription. The active ingredient, Toltrazuril is active inside the cell where coccidia reproduce. This means Baycox kills coccidia, while most treatments just prevent coccidia from reproducing. A study on puppies showed it to be very effective for eliminating coccidia from the puppy. Off label use for kittens in Germany showed no adverse effects, and it’s also effective against Toxoplasmosis. Toltrazuril is closely related to ponazuril (Marquis) and has no benefit to use Baycox over Marquis. Bayer has no plans currently to bring this product to the US.
Coccidia are always present in the dog, but if you can prevent them from becoming an issue, you may never need to treat coccidia again!
Donald Bramlage, D. V. M.
The materials, information and answers provided through this article are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of a qualified veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention. Not to be used without permission of Revival Animal Health.
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How to prevent common digestive problems in dogs
If you own a pet, you have experienced digestive problems: vomiting and diarrhea. Digestive problems can also be caused by serious diseases, such as cancer, or by a serious obstruction in the digestive tract but most are far simpler in origin. A change in diet, stress, a virus and most commonly, eating something that upsets the system is the usual cause.
What is happening in the gut
Vomiting and diarrhea are the natural ways the body eliminates harmful toxic substances. In a typical intestinal upset, bad bacteria start to overpopulate the intestine. Bad bacteria secrete harmful toxins that can damage the villi lining of the gut. The cells of the villi recognize these invaders and respond by secreting fluid in an attempt to flush the bacteria from their cell wall, diarrhea. This sudden loss of fluid can dehydrate the animal and cause the intestine to lose its flexibility if left unchecked. In most cases of diarrhea, your pet’s symptoms are temporary. When diarrhea lasts longer than 12 hours you need to intervene in order to prevent dehydration. Early treatment is easy and will ensure quick recovery. Should your pet’s symptoms continue, see your veterinarian immediately to ensure he is getting the right treatment.
Avoid feeding off the table
Some pet owners think they are giving their pet a treat by giving them table food. I once witnessed a Samoyed eat a one-dish-dinner that the owner thought she’d enjoy. Unfortunately, the Sammy spent the rest of the night eliminating the overload out the other end! The food gave her diarrhea almost immediately. A Shih-Tzu eating one steak is like a human eating five steaks at one setting. We would have issues digesting that much protein as well. I know people feed off the table, I treat my dogs the same. Stick with vegetables and dog treats and limit meat to less than 10% of their diet.
Dogs generally eat calories not volume as humans do. If a dog runs out of calories today they’ll eat more tomorrow. But when a dog starts eating volume, they become overweight and have more digestive upsets. It’s best to stick to a normal feeding regiment for your pet’s health.
Foreign body obstruction
Everything goes in the mouth of a dog! Small toys and plastic bags seem to be the most common items dogs ingest, especially in the first year. Most dogs can pass these foreign objects without causing any harm. Occasionally, these objects cause damage or obstruct the digestive tract leading to vomiting and surgery to correct. One way to prevent this from happening is to provide your pet with toys that are pet safe. Child or puppy proofing their surroundings will also help. If you suspect your pet has an obstruction, see your veterinarian immediately. The right treatment may avoid a surgery.
You may not realize it but change of diet, environment or simply a change in routine can cause stress for your pet. Diarrhea may be your pet’s natural response to these situations. You can minimize stress in your pet by keeping their routine as consistent as possible. But if this is unavoidable, you can use a natural pheromone diffuser or spray such as D.A.P.® to help them feel more comfortable. In some cases feeding probiotics one week before and during a stressful situation can help prevent stomach upsets.
Digestive problems may also be caused by illness due to disease or virus. If your pet does not respond to typical treatment, see your veterinarian to determine what is causing the symptoms and the best way to treat.
Assist in their recovery
There are a few things you can do to help your dog get back to normal in the midst of a stomach upset. Use a coating agent to slow diarrhea and prevent them from dehydrating. Replacing lost electrolytes will speed recovery. Replace the good bacteria in the intestinal tract with probiotics to regain normal gut flora. Probiotics are also good to use with antibiotic induced GI upset as well.
Know that digestive problems are a normal part of life and should not be ignored. Prevent setting pets up for digestive issues and when they do happen, early treatment will speed recovery and comfort to an uncomfortable family member.
Dr.Bamlage DVM
The materials, information and answers provided through this article are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of a qualified veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention. Not to be used without permission of Revival Animal Health.
Fleas, Ticks and Other Outdoor Pests
Summer means the warmth of sunshine and the smell of freshly-mowed grass, but it also means the insects come out in full force. Flies, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks – you can’t escape them. However, with the right control and prevention, you may be able to escape the diseases they can carry.
Fleas These tiny insects bite and feed on the blood of animals, causing problems that range from slight irritation to severe itching or lesions. Fleas reproduce quickly, and in just a few days can result in an infestation on your pet, your house and your backyard. A flea comb can help you detect the fleas and flea dirt on your pet.
One disease fleas carry with them is tapeworms. Dogs and cats can easily get tapeworms by ingesting the flea, which will attach itself to the animal’s intestinal wall. Tapeworms are made up of small, independent segments that will break off into the intestines, resembling grains of rice in the stool. As these segments dry up, the eggs inside are released and will be inject by flea larvae, continuing the cycle. In dogs and cats, tapeworms can cause weight loss, poor hair coat or anal itching, with a gradual decline in overall health if not treated properly.
Ticks Ticks are arachnids that feed on the blood of humans, mammals, livestock and more. They’re usually found in grassy, forested areas, and since they cannot fly they are usually no higher than 3 feet above the ground. Ticks will attach themselves to the skin of their victim to find their next meal, falling off after they are satisfied. They carry a variety of diseases, including Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis and more.
Lyme Disease is caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, which causes fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, lameness, swollen lymph nodes and more in dogs. Ticks that carry Lyme Disease must be attached for 48 hours before transmission of the disease takes place, with symptoms occurring up to 2-5 months later. Treatment for Lyme Disease includes antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycycline or amoxicillin.
Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are the flying insects that seem to affect every human or animal. Attaching to the skin, they feed on the blood and then leave itchy, irritating bites behind. Mosquitoes have a 2-week life cycle and reproduce rapidly, so it seems they never end. However, since they lay their eggs in water, a source of standing water must be present for reproduction – so there can be a limit to how many grow. Mosquitoes carry a variety of diseases, including heartworm in dogs and cats, malaria in humans, equine encephalomyelitis in horses and West Nile in many animals.
The mosquito-based disease that affects pets the most is heartworm. Heartworms spend their lives in the blood vessels connecting the heart and lungs, eventually spreading to the right side of the heart. Heartworms develop and mature in 6-8 months, but they may live up to 5-7 years, obstructing the blood vessels that lead from the heart. Animals with heartworm don’t often show symptoms, though some may have a decreased appetite and weight loss, listlessness, cough, lack of endurance and more. The best way to avoid heartworm is through monthly preventatives.
Flies Though many flies seem to fly around aimlessly, bugging everyone in their path, there are also many flies that feed on blood, causing numerous bites and potential infections. Since dogs are unable to defend the thin skin and hair around their face and ears, flies tend to seek out this area.
The accumulating fly bites cause small, hard, round bumps, called fly strike. These bites can be painful, itchy and bleed easily, creating the perfect breeding ground for fly eggs and maggots if left untreated. Antibiotic ointments and topical insecticides can be used to treat the infection and repel other flies from the area.
In general, there are a variety of products that can help prevent infestations and diseases from fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and other insects. Shampoos, sprays and dips will help kill the fleas and ticks that are already on your pet. Spot-on treatments and collars will give your pets further protection to prevent the pests from coming back. Treat your home and yard with outdoor premise sprays, indoor foggers or Diatomaceous Earth.
Defending your pets from insects and their diseases will take some effort, but your pets will thank you for the protection they have!
The materials, information and answers provided through this website are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of a qualified veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention.
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When it comes to Giardia in the kennel, the concern is less about treatment and more about the long term plan to manage it. Giardia is one of those parasites that always seems to be waiting for the perfect time to strike. In a kennel, this time is usually after weaning and right around the time the puppies get to their new home - both inconvenient times for a breeder.
What is Giardia and how to test for it
Giardia is a tiny parasite, one-celled protozoa that is hard to diagnose. They can be difficult to see under the microscope and take a trained eye to identify them accurately. Screening tests are also available, called snap tests. In these tests, the feces is mixed with the solution, placed in a well and then “snapped” down to start the test, which checks for a protein from the Giardia organism. Snap tests are useful as a piece of the puzzle, not as a definitive test. Though negative tests are true negatives, false positives are very common and may be deceiving. If you have a positive snap test and you’re not sure if it’s correct, it may be helpful to send it to the lab for more accurate diagnosis.
Recommended treatment
Metronidazole has traditionally been used to treat Giardia, but lately there has been resistance - one study shows only 60% efficacy. The new treatment of choice is using Fenbendazole (Safe guard®) which is 96% effective when used 6 days in a row. Bathing is also important. Giardia oocysts are directly infective, meaning the dog passes them in the stool and can immediately contract the disease if they ingest the Giardia again. Bathe the dog with Vet Basics Puppy and Kitten Care Shampoo on days 3 and 5 of treatment. Giardia is sticky and will stay on the hair coat, particularly the back legs, so concentrate on the back half of the body. If you don’t bathe them, they can just re-infect themselves while grooming, making your treatment ineffective.
Since Giardia is stubborn, kennels should be scrubbed with a degreaser or a good detergent. Flaming the surface of the kennel is also effective, especially for contaminated walls in metal kennels. Simply pass the flame over the surface - you don’t need to melt anything or damage the equipment. The heat causes the Giardia cyst to pop and die.
Long term control
Long-term control starts with the mother. When she is heavily pregnant, the stress will decrease her resistance to parasites. Using Fenbendazole three days in a row after day 50 of gestation will decrease the shedding of the Giardia organism and is helpful in preventing the transfer of other parasites to the puppies. Bathing the mother before whelping is also helpful when fighting the problem. Alternatively, some breeders will clip the hair on the back legs and belly to remove the oocysts the mom carries on her hair. Either technique is effective. The goal is mom not giving Giardia to puppies and we don’t have to get Giardia back out of them.
For puppies, deworming three days in a row with Safe-guard® at 6 weeks of age is also good prevention. This helps eliminate any Giardia that may have found their way in the baby and is enough to provide effective prevention.
With all parasites, you want to think long-term control. If you just treat the puppies without considering where the parasite is coming from, you’ll eventually get resistance that overwhelms your medication. Every year you should have fewer and fewer parasite numbers in your kennel. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, coccidia and Giardia should all be accounted for in your preventative program. If you have any questions about parasite control, feel free to give us a call!
Donald Bramlage, D. V. M.
The materials, information and answers provided through this article are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of a qualified veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention. Not to be used without permission of Revival Animal Health.
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800.786.4751 Coccidia
Coccidia are parasites that are often misunderstood in dogs. After the first exposure, coccidia parasites are always present in the puppy’s intestines, and they’re just waiting to take advantage of any digestive upset. It is rarely the initial cause of the diarrhea, but once diarrhea starts, the coccidia will overgrow to large numbers to keep the diarrhea going. Coccidia are a major issue for puppies under 8 weeks old and can even kill them.
Acquiring Coccidia
Puppies are born with a sterile gut, and their mother seeds their gut with good bacteria during cleaning and care. However, puppies can also get coccidia from their moms, so the goal is to keep the puppy’s exposure to a minimum number. There are a variety of products you can use for both treatment and prevention, but prevention is most important for consistently healthy puppies.
Treat vs Prevention
Cocci Guard is an easy way to prevent coccidia - simply add it to your puppy’s food. The mother should also be fed puppy food with Cocci Guard when you bring her to the whelping area two weeks before birth. This decreases the number of coccidia the mother can give to the puppies. When you wean the puppies onto Cocci Guard, it controls the issue until you move them to their new home.
Amprolium (Corid or Cocci-Rid) can also be used as coccidia prevention. The flavor is terrible, so some people add raspberry or strawberry flavoring to help the taste, but no flavor works well. For small breeds, do not mix it with water, because they tend to get dehydrated from not drinking. The preferred way to use Amprolium is to drench the puppy daily - you know the dose is in and they will also drink adequate water.
Marquis is used to both prevent and treat coccidia. It works well and the once-a-week dose is easy to use. Marquis (ponazuril) will cause dry eye, so use caution in puppies under 6 weeks old - eye ulcers may develop in flat nosed breeds. Marquis lasts 7 days, and when it’s given before shipment, it’s very effective in stopping coccidia from overwhelming the puppy as they adjust to their new home.
Sulfa drugs have long been used to treat coccidia and they’re still effective prevention. However, Albon has seen some resistance from years of use. The best way to monitor resistance is to track the complaints post sale and switch your preventative before issues arise. You can switch back to Albon after 6 months or a year of using another preventative. Sulfa-Trimeth is related to Albon and has been used as an alternative with excellent efficacy.
Foreign Product - Australia
Baycox by Bayer is a product I am often asked about. The bad news is that this drug is not available in the United States legally, but it is available in some other countries by prescription. The active ingredient, Toltrazuril is active inside the cell where coccidia reproduce. This means Baycox kills coccidia, while most treatments just prevent coccidia from reproducing. A study on puppies showed it to be very effective for eliminating coccidia from the puppy. Off label use for kittens in Germany showed no adverse effects, and it’s also effective against Toxoplasmosis. Toltrazuril is closely related to ponazuril (Marquis) and has no benefit to use Baycox over Marquis. Bayer has no plans currently to bring this product to the US.
Coccidia are always present in the dog, but if you can prevent them from becoming an issue, you may never need to treat coccidia again!
Donald Bramlage, D. V. M.
The materials, information and answers provided through this article are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of a qualified veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention. Not to be used without permission of Revival Animal Health.
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How to prevent common digestive problems in dogs
If you own a pet, you have experienced digestive problems: vomiting and diarrhea. Digestive problems can also be caused by serious diseases, such as cancer, or by a serious obstruction in the digestive tract but most are far simpler in origin. A change in diet, stress, a virus and most commonly, eating something that upsets the system is the usual cause.
What is happening in the gut
Vomiting and diarrhea are the natural ways the body eliminates harmful toxic substances. In a typical intestinal upset, bad bacteria start to overpopulate the intestine. Bad bacteria secrete harmful toxins that can damage the villi lining of the gut. The cells of the villi recognize these invaders and respond by secreting fluid in an attempt to flush the bacteria from their cell wall, diarrhea. This sudden loss of fluid can dehydrate the animal and cause the intestine to lose its flexibility if left unchecked. In most cases of diarrhea, your pet’s symptoms are temporary. When diarrhea lasts longer than 12 hours you need to intervene in order to prevent dehydration. Early treatment is easy and will ensure quick recovery. Should your pet’s symptoms continue, see your veterinarian immediately to ensure he is getting the right treatment.
Avoid feeding off the table
Some pet owners think they are giving their pet a treat by giving them table food. I once witnessed a Samoyed eat a one-dish-dinner that the owner thought she’d enjoy. Unfortunately, the Sammy spent the rest of the night eliminating the overload out the other end! The food gave her diarrhea almost immediately. A Shih-Tzu eating one steak is like a human eating five steaks at one setting. We would have issues digesting that much protein as well. I know people feed off the table, I treat my dogs the same. Stick with vegetables and dog treats and limit meat to less than 10% of their diet.
Dogs generally eat calories not volume as humans do. If a dog runs out of calories today they’ll eat more tomorrow. But when a dog starts eating volume, they become overweight and have more digestive upsets. It’s best to stick to a normal feeding regiment for your pet’s health.
Foreign body obstruction
Everything goes in the mouth of a dog! Small toys and plastic bags seem to be the most common items dogs ingest, especially in the first year. Most dogs can pass these foreign objects without causing any harm. Occasionally, these objects cause damage or obstruct the digestive tract leading to vomiting and surgery to correct. One way to prevent this from happening is to provide your pet with toys that are pet safe. Child or puppy proofing their surroundings will also help. If you suspect your pet has an obstruction, see your veterinarian immediately. The right treatment may avoid a surgery.
You may not realize it but change of diet, environment or simply a change in routine can cause stress for your pet. Diarrhea may be your pet’s natural response to these situations. You can minimize stress in your pet by keeping their routine as consistent as possible. But if this is unavoidable, you can use a natural pheromone diffuser or spray such as D.A.P.® to help them feel more comfortable. In some cases feeding probiotics one week before and during a stressful situation can help prevent stomach upsets.
Digestive problems may also be caused by illness due to disease or virus. If your pet does not respond to typical treatment, see your veterinarian to determine what is causing the symptoms and the best way to treat.
Assist in their recovery
There are a few things you can do to help your dog get back to normal in the midst of a stomach upset. Use a coating agent to slow diarrhea and prevent them from dehydrating. Replacing lost electrolytes will speed recovery. Replace the good bacteria in the intestinal tract with probiotics to regain normal gut flora. Probiotics are also good to use with antibiotic induced GI upset as well.
Know that digestive problems are a normal part of life and should not be ignored. Prevent setting pets up for digestive issues and when they do happen, early treatment will speed recovery and comfort to an uncomfortable family member.
Dr.Bamlage DVM
The materials, information and answers provided through this article are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of a qualified veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention. Not to be used without permission of Revival Animal Health.
Fleas, Ticks and Other Outdoor Pests
Summer means the warmth of sunshine and the smell of freshly-mowed grass, but it also means the insects come out in full force. Flies, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks – you can’t escape them. However, with the right control and prevention, you may be able to escape the diseases they can carry.
Fleas These tiny insects bite and feed on the blood of animals, causing problems that range from slight irritation to severe itching or lesions. Fleas reproduce quickly, and in just a few days can result in an infestation on your pet, your house and your backyard. A flea comb can help you detect the fleas and flea dirt on your pet.
One disease fleas carry with them is tapeworms. Dogs and cats can easily get tapeworms by ingesting the flea, which will attach itself to the animal’s intestinal wall. Tapeworms are made up of small, independent segments that will break off into the intestines, resembling grains of rice in the stool. As these segments dry up, the eggs inside are released and will be inject by flea larvae, continuing the cycle. In dogs and cats, tapeworms can cause weight loss, poor hair coat or anal itching, with a gradual decline in overall health if not treated properly.
Ticks Ticks are arachnids that feed on the blood of humans, mammals, livestock and more. They’re usually found in grassy, forested areas, and since they cannot fly they are usually no higher than 3 feet above the ground. Ticks will attach themselves to the skin of their victim to find their next meal, falling off after they are satisfied. They carry a variety of diseases, including Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis and more.
Lyme Disease is caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, which causes fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, lameness, swollen lymph nodes and more in dogs. Ticks that carry Lyme Disease must be attached for 48 hours before transmission of the disease takes place, with symptoms occurring up to 2-5 months later. Treatment for Lyme Disease includes antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycycline or amoxicillin.
Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are the flying insects that seem to affect every human or animal. Attaching to the skin, they feed on the blood and then leave itchy, irritating bites behind. Mosquitoes have a 2-week life cycle and reproduce rapidly, so it seems they never end. However, since they lay their eggs in water, a source of standing water must be present for reproduction – so there can be a limit to how many grow. Mosquitoes carry a variety of diseases, including heartworm in dogs and cats, malaria in humans, equine encephalomyelitis in horses and West Nile in many animals.
The mosquito-based disease that affects pets the most is heartworm. Heartworms spend their lives in the blood vessels connecting the heart and lungs, eventually spreading to the right side of the heart. Heartworms develop and mature in 6-8 months, but they may live up to 5-7 years, obstructing the blood vessels that lead from the heart. Animals with heartworm don’t often show symptoms, though some may have a decreased appetite and weight loss, listlessness, cough, lack of endurance and more. The best way to avoid heartworm is through monthly preventatives.
Flies Though many flies seem to fly around aimlessly, bugging everyone in their path, there are also many flies that feed on blood, causing numerous bites and potential infections. Since dogs are unable to defend the thin skin and hair around their face and ears, flies tend to seek out this area.
The accumulating fly bites cause small, hard, round bumps, called fly strike. These bites can be painful, itchy and bleed easily, creating the perfect breeding ground for fly eggs and maggots if left untreated. Antibiotic ointments and topical insecticides can be used to treat the infection and repel other flies from the area.
In general, there are a variety of products that can help prevent infestations and diseases from fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and other insects. Shampoos, sprays and dips will help kill the fleas and ticks that are already on your pet. Spot-on treatments and collars will give your pets further protection to prevent the pests from coming back. Treat your home and yard with outdoor premise sprays, indoor foggers or Diatomaceous Earth.
Defending your pets from insects and their diseases will take some effort, but your pets will thank you for the protection they have!
The materials, information and answers provided through this website are not intended to replace the medical advice or services of a qualified veterinarian or other pet health care professional. Consult your own veterinarian for answers to specific medical questions, including diagnosis, treatment, therapy or medical attention.